
Intrauterin Insemination (IUI)

Intrauterin insemination means the insertion of processed semen into the uterine cavity. Insemination is mainly used for mild to moderate male fertility disorders, i.e. with a reduced number of normally shaped and mobile sperm in the ejaculate.

Insemination is usually combined with hormone treatment.

As soon as a mature follicle can be detected by ultrasound, ovulation is triggered with a hormone injection and the insemination is performed the next day or the day after. The fresh semen is prepared in a nutrient solution and centrifuged to obtain a concentrate (0.5 ml) of fertile sperm. This is then inserted into the partner’s uterus with a fine catheter.

As this mobile and fertile sperm are placed directly in the uterine cavity they don’t have to pass the possibly viscous mucus of the cervix. Finally, there are more “good” sperm at the site of fertilisation, in the fallopian addition to a minimum amount of sperm (ideally 1-5 million in the processed semen), uninterrupted fallopian tubes are a prerequisite for this treatment. We therefore usually check the patency of the fallopian tubes in advance using ultrasound (contrast medium sonography) or laparoscopy. Under the right conditions, the pregnancy rate is around 10-15% per trial, whereby three trials are usually planned.

The health insurance companies usually pay for 3 inseminations per pregnancy. However, there may be restrictive provisions. It is therefore a good idea to ask for a confirmation of coverage in advance. We would be happy to do this for you.